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Drown Proofing

Drown Proofing is a rigorous single lesson session. This lesson is conducted with your clothes on. You or your child will go through different scenerios in the pool while wearing their clothes. They will swim laps, dive, float on their back, tread water and more while having water splashed around them. They will also be prompted to take off their jacket while in the water as quick as possible after jumping in. This prepares them for any situation they might come across in the water. This class is suggested for swimmers five years of age or older with previous swimming knowledge and/or having completed the "Begginer" lesson. Please know that this class will not insure you or your child from drowning, but does increase chances of survival in a possible drowning situation.


1) One Drown Proofing Lesson... $35

2) Drown Proofing Lesson in addittion to at least one swim lesson... $20

Lessons are held at either the Melvin Ford Aquatic Center (located at memorial park in Bentonville) or the Bentonville Community Center. If you have a private pool you would like to have your lesson at, that can be arranged as well.


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